Helpful Tips for Diabetes Feet Care


Many people suffering from diabetes experience foot problems. Although anyone can sustain several feet issues, diabetic people are more prone due to the prolonged periods of high blood sugar levels. The two leading feet issues which arise are peripheral vascular and diabetic neuropathy. The two conditions are easy to manage, although they can bring severe complications, especially when the patient does not get medical attention. Here are smart tips to take care of your feet.

1. Examine the feet daily

There are several danger signs that you should look out for in your foot. During your routine examinations, check your feet for any red spots, swelling, blisters and other abnormal signs of infection. 

If you notice any ingrown toes, warts, athlete's foot or any abnormal sore in the feet, contact your diabetic podiatrist immediately. Before you go to the hospital, you can tie the foot with a bandage to prevent future infections. During that period, do not scratch the leg as scratching might cause irritations. 

2. Improve your daily practices

There are several things that you should not do unless your diabetic podiatrist advises you otherwise. For instance, you should not expose your feet to extreme temperatures. If you need to wash your legs, the water should have an optimal temperature too. 

Also, avoid electric blankets and the hot water bottles as they can easily harm you without your knowledge. Diabetic podiatrists also advise patients to wear comfortable shoes. This means that you should only wear well-fitting, flat shoes. Before you wear them, check for any sharp object or other things which might cause foot irritations. Avoid standing for long periods too.

3. Visit your diabetic podiatrist regularly

Apart from self-examinations, it is vital to have regular medical visits. Ideally, you should visit the podiatrist every time you notice the above-mentioned bad signs of your feet. Also, it is essential to visit the podiatrist at least twice per year for a comprehensive foot check-up. 

The sooner you visit a podiatrist or healthcare provider, the sooner you will identify potential threats. If you have any concerns regarding your feet or health in general, do not hesitate to ask the podiatrist for advice. If your condition is worse, the podiatrist may help you choose the best diets for your health.

If you have diabetes and suffer from any foot complications, it is crucial to seek the help of a diabetic podiatrist. The podiatrist will examine you thoroughly and probably give you the best self-care tips. 


28 October 2019

Fighting Fungal Infections and Other Issues With Your Feet

Having a fungal infection on your feet can be really annoying. You may find that your feet feel itchy, uncomfortable and that they don't smell great. The aim of this blog is to provide you with all of the info you need to fight a fungal infection. We are not trained podiatrist, but we have dedicated many hours to learning all we can about this subject. We will also be posting info about other conditions which can affect your feet and we hope to highlight how a podiatrist can help you to tackle them. Thank you for stopping by to read our blog!